How does CouMagic work ?

Electronic Coupons

CouMagic are electronic coupons that offer savings to buyers and rewards for referrals.

Neural Referral Network

CouMagic are shared over a Neural Referral Network using common social media platforms. 


CouMagic can be authenticated and tracked through-out the entire distribution channel.

CouMagic Referral System

A Blockchain based SaaS platform

Smart Coupon Referral System is a SaaS based Marketing Software tools for vendors to manage their smart Coupons.

CouMagic APP

The APP is the interface for consumers to become our KOL and affiliates to promote Smart Coupon via “Word of Mouths.”

Users are attracted to our APP for savings and receive rewards for referrals.

Marketing experts know “Word-of-Mouth” is the best way to promote sales, that is why Social Media make so much money from advertisers. The chart above shows the power of referrals. If we start with just 1 person and this person refers to 5 other persons and do that for 15 levels, the network can expand to a maximize of 7.6 billion numbers of persons! And if you imagine each and every smart coupon creates their own unique referral network and these network may inter-connect like our brain. The massive amount data that SCRS neural network will generate, we can use AI Deep Learning Technology to create an virtual sales assistant to give us the best suggestions and advices to reach targeted customers based on past buying behaviors.

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